Solana: Error:AccountNotFound with anchor deploy

Error: account divided with an anchor that takes place on Solana

As a Solana developer, you may find a mistake when trying to unleash the program using an anchor SDK. A common mistake is “AccountnotFound”, which occurs when the anchor node cannot find an account relating to the address of the contract of said program.

In this article, we will pass through the steps to eliminate and resolve the error in the account, which takes place with the anchor, has spread to Solana.

What is a account error?

The account error shows that the anchor assembly cannot find the account relating to the address of the contract of said program. This can happen for several reasons:

  • The address of the contract does not exist in the anchor node.

  • The address of the contract is not correctly configured or distributed correctly on the Solana blockchain.

  • The id.json IDS, which contains information on the program and its implementation, is incomplete or damaged.

steps to solve problems

To resolve the anchor account error, take place on Solana, follow these steps:

1. Check the address of the contract

First, make sure that the address of the contract specified in the code corresponds to the one stored in the ID.JSON 'file. You can check the "counterattack" value in your code:


Const id = anchor.import (“pat/to/id.json”);

Const contracttress = id.address ();


2. Check the configuration of the anchor node

Check that the anchor node is correctly configured to find an account relating to the address of the contract for a particular program. You can check theid.jsonfor any errors or inconsistencies file:



"ID": {

"Contractual": "0x ...",

"Program": "Path/To/"



3. Check the status of the Solana Blockchain

Use Solana ISpect Command of Solana CLI to verify that the address of the contract exists on the blockchain:


Solana iSpect -json

This will show information on the account, including its balance and transactions.

4. Check the implementation of the program

Check the double that the program is distributed correctly using an anchor SDK:


Const {deploy} = requirement (“@anchorlib/solana”);

// Set the anchor of the anchor on the knot

Const Anchor = requirement (“@anchorlib/solana”);

Const Programid = “Pat/to/”;

Attempt {

// explains the contract

Wait for distribution (Programid, {

Account: [


Key: Programid,

Keyindex: 0,

Account: Null,

Subjects: []




} Catch (error) {

Console.error (error);



5. Update theid.jsonfile file

If you suspect that theid.jsonincomplete or damaged file tries to update it with a new version:



"Contractual": "0x ...",

"Program": "Path/To/"


After solving the account, make sure the program is correctly and configured for the Solana blockchain.


In this article, we crossed the steps to eliminate and solve the account error by carrying out Solana's anchor. By checking the address of the contract, checking the anchor configuration of the node, inspecting the Solan block and updating theid.json` file, if necessary, you must be able to solve this problem and correctly distribute your program using the program on the ‘SDK anchoring.

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