Ethereum: Stop Binance Futures API from printing candlestick data as a list

Binance Futures API: Avoid data exaggerated printing

The Binans Finale about AP wallets, you will certainly be on the list specified in the formatted chart. It can be frustration and displace your rewrite experience.

The problem lies in how the Binance Futures API processes data. When you submit a request to receive Tuneestick data using “Candles/{symbol}/interval}/start time}/{end timerear points, the response contains Ara available date points. As, this array is a list of Instad Off, transferred to Chhart.

This problem can be avoided by reducing your method of deprivation and displaying Cantensick data using Binance Futures API.


When "Get/Candles"/[symbol}/interval}/start time}/{end timerear points, it is not SAMPLY returned. These men you were pleased to show this data for Chhart, all individual spot beds will appear at each top.


Ethereum: Stop Binance Futures API from printing candlestick data as a list

One way to avoid printed Canlestick data on Binance Furrres API has a Fetch method JSON (). You can see what you want to read as JSON array.

To achieve this, you must submit a Spearate requests:

  • One to check the data set and display it in the chart (eg “Get/candles/symbol}/interval}/start time {end time}/all ‘).

  • After the individual Canlestick data point (eg “Get/Candles/Symbol}/Interval}/> Start time {End time {Data} .js).

Here's an example of how you modify your code Fetch method JSON ()Option:


// Retree All Canlestick Data

FETCH (' [symbol}/interval}/start time {end time}/all')))

.Then ((Answer) => Response.json ())

.Then ((data) => {

// Show the data in the chart we

CONST CTX = Document.gelementbyid ('candlestick chart'). GetContext ('2D');

Chart.ctx.canvas = ctx;

New chart (CTX, {

Type: "string",

Data: {{{

map ((point) =>,

Data sets: [{{{{{

Ball: Candlestick Data,

Data: ((point) => point.Close),

background phonecolor: 'RGGB (255, 99, 132, 0.2),

Boardcolor: "RGBA (255, 99, 132, 1),"

Plate Width: 1,





.catch ((error) => console.error (error));


Similarly, you can modify your code to get individual Cantestick data braids, browse "Get/candle/symbol}/interval}/start time {end time}/Data} .Json end point.



FETCH ( symbol}/symbolt}/start time {end time}/$ {Data} .json

.Then ((Answer) => Response.json ())

.Then ((data) => {

// Show the data in the chart we

CONST CTX = Document.gelementbyid (‘candlestick chart’). GetContext (‘2D’);

Chart.ctx.canvas = ctx;

New chart (CTX, {

Type: “string”,

Data: {{{

map ((point) =>,

Data sets: [{{{{

Ball: Candlestick Data,

Data: ((point) => point.Close),

background phonecolor: ‘RGGB (255, 99, 132, 0.2),

Boardcolor: “RGBA (255, 99, 132, 1),”

Plate Width: 1,





.catch ((error) => console.error (error));

“ Re

By performing the JSON ()) option of the Fetch method and slowing down the data with one call, you can be printed with Binance Futures API. Instant, you will need to show it in the chart with control through the layout.

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